Sarah Dhaine

Danse classique

Danseuse classique

Danse classique

Danse classique
Sarah has been practicing classical dance and mime since she was a child. She learned dance in Paris with Anne Métaier then took lessons from Yves Casati of the Paris Opera and Frédéric Lazzarelli from the National Ballet of Mexico. Curious to deepen her technique, in 2008 she entered the school of Mime Corporel Dramatique.
In 2012, her interest in live performance and the visual arts led her to join the Japanese percussion group "Paris Taiko Ensemble", with which she participated in various events.
After obtaining her state diploma in classical dance teaching in 2014, always concerned with working the body through movement and rhythm, Sarah devotes herself to teaching classical dance.
As a teacher, she draws inspiration today from everything she has been able to learn and emphasizes sensations, musicality and artistic sense. His classes are open to anyone who wants to learn regardless of their physical qualities. It's a unique moment for everyone to have fun while dancing!